Okay everyone, here it is! My first post in my blog! Sorry it has taken so long, I'm HORRIBLE with technology and I've been dreading this new experience. But thanks to Julie Timms I might be a pro quite soon...we'll see. Anyways, back to the main purpose of this blog- sharing my exciting new experiences with all you people that I love and appreciate sooooo much!
For those of you who don't know, I graduated from Golden West High school in June and put college on the backburner. For the first time in 13 years, my mind will not be preoccupied with homework, sports teams, drama rehearsals, or just plain drama; it's going to be dedicated to one thing: God's mission field. For the next 9 months I will be seeking God's will for my life and surrendering to His guidance. I am completely indifferent as to what I want to study in college, but I do know one thing: I soooo want to be a missionary! Hopefully God wants that too! As of right now I'm living in La Mision, Baja California. I'll be living here for 3 1/2 months and on December 16th I will head on home. After reuniting with my family for Christmas, I'll fly off to Corrietnes, Argentina where I will be volunteering at 3 different Christian ministries: Young Life, Medi Mision, and La Casa De Mi Hermano (you'll here more about those later!).
But anyways, here in La, Mision I'm working at a Daycare called Open Arms. The Daycare is a non-profit daycare that focuses on keeping families together and preventing child abandonment. Families here in Mexico will often fall apart because they cannot afford child care and therefore may be forced to put their children in an orphanage. Open Arms provides a safe place for kids to stay while their parents are at work. From newborn babies to maturing sixth graders, Open Arms does everything needed for these kids to have full tummies, consistent education and unconditional love.
http://www.facebook.com/#!/openarmsmexico I absolutely love this place. It is filled with the Holy Spirit and ruled by God's love. Heidi and Daniel Elizarraraz founded this ministry 7 years ago and God has blessed this place immensely!
Heidi and Daniel with their daughters Samaria and Selah
As of today I have officially been in La, Mison, Baja California for 2 weeks. I'm not going to be a liar and tell you that the weeks flew by, because quite honestly, they didn't. The first week was an emotional whirlwind. Between the unpacking, the homesickness, the adaption to working and not sleeping in, the food, the language...the EVERYTHING, it was difficult to not break down and cry. But God knew that I would need some encouragement my first week so he gave me a lovely, short-time roommate named Emily Roberts. Her and her family are missionaries in Taiwan but are originally from Georgia. She came to the states for about a month to help out with some different Christian ministries and then headed down to Mexico to work at Open Arms. We had an absolute blast together as we were engulfed in the Mexican culture. She only stayed a week, but God knew that's what I needed- I needed a little beginner boost! Not only was she a huge blessing, but now a great friend! :) Love you Emily!
The first week spent her was mostly adapting to my new routine and getting to know the staff. Each week day I wake up at 7...ish (more like set my alarm for 6:30 and snooze till 7:30), eat breakfast and go to the "Baby Room" at 8:30. They call it the baby room but the ages of the kids actually range from 4 months to 4 years. At most, we will have 20 kids in the room with 3 helpers. I'm usually in there for most of the day but Heidi (her and her husband Daniel are the founders of Open Arms) will often ask me to do some projects for her. My work day usually ends shortly after 5. The days are not short of excitement and that is simply because the personality of a child under the age of 5 is like that of an ocean: unpredictable yet wonderful, beautiful yet violent. I love them all to death and fall in love with each personality more each day, but sometimes I just want to know why? Why do you insist on wearing your sunglasses to the bathroom? Why do you get mad when I touch the teatherball... even though you asked me to play the game WITH you? Why do you randomly pull your friends hair and cry when you I tell you not to? Why do you NOT want to eat? (that's the weirdest of them all!). Like I said, I adore these kids, but working at a daycare is premium birth control...let me tell you! I think every teenage girl in Tulare County should have to volunteer at a daycare by the age of 14. Although childcare is exhausting, I am already reaping the rewards of caring for them. Seeing these precious, joyous smiles in the midst of all their troubles is amazing!

To the left is David and to the right is Jenny. These two are polar opposites! Jenny is shy and timid while David is a little firecracker who loves to dance and take pictures with my camera!
Not only am I involved with the little ones, but I'm helping out with the youth group here called Alto Voltaje (High Voltage). Daniel (founder of Open Arms) is in charge of the youth and does an awesome job attracting the community to God's word. Over 120 kids attend the group!!! On the leadership team for High Voltage there is a man named Renee and he lived in the U.S. for a while. His English is great so he has adopted me as a student! He makes me speak Spanish to him and corrects me as I go along. I'm so grateful for Him! Also on the Alto Voltaje leadership team is Javier, Daniela and Miguel. Javier knows a little English and Daniela and Miguel don't know any but they still make me feel welcomed and apart of the team :) They have a big "Hollywood Gala" coming up and I'm coordinating the decorations. As most of you know I loooove this kind of stuff so I'm super excited! It's this Friday, September 21st, should be fun! Unfortunately teenagers aren't as capable of surpassing a language barrier as toddlers are... youth group is Friday nights and I've made a few friends...can't really talk to them...but I'll get there! I'm more like something to stare at rather than someone to talk to haha.

Let's see...there's so much to tell you! Everything is so new and different! Oh my neighbor Rafa! He's sooooo funny and energetic! He's been a missionary for 18 years and the love of Christ spills out of his every limb. It's quite amazing how welcomed he's made me feel. He is in charge of the worship at the church here called New Life which takes place on the Open Arms Campus. His girlfriend Veronica, who is also on the worship team, is just as big of a sweetheart, not to mention she has the most gorgeous voice ever! My goal is to get really good at cooking and then I'm invite them over to my place one night for dinner (it's so weird to say "my place").
Veronica (a.k.a. Vero) left, Rafa middle
Now I don't want you all thinking that it's all work and no play haha! I've already visited Ensenada, seen a local soccer game, had some girls' nights, been to Sea World, attended a baby show and a birthday party and celebrated Mexico's Independence Day...in just 2 weeks! Heidi and Daniel have taken me in as a part of their family and have made me feel right at home. I can't believe that God has chosen me to be his worker, it's amazing! I have soooo much more to tell you! I'm going to try and update my post at least every Sunday so keep checking up on me! I'm going to start posting my prayer requests on here as well.
I love you all very much and appreciate your prayers! Remember that ALL Christians are called to GO share the gospel, even in our own hometowns. Time is running out and more and more people are headed for eternal torment and anguish, just imagine your life without an ounce of love, light, truth, or joy....that's hell, eternal separation from God. I'm not here in Mexico just to see a different part of the world; God called me here because He wants his truth and love to be spread to these people.
Please watch this video!!!
Some guy named Brad Taylor showed it to me...part of my inspiration :)
If you want to serve those whom God loves, check out Nehemiah Project International! It's in Visalia and they NEED help spreading God's word. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/The-Nehemiah-Project-International/116602281717999
Nehemiah works to spread God's love to the Northern part of Visalia by providing food, clothes, yard work, child care, love and prayer! If you're interested call my dad at 559-303-1210!!!
Prayer Requests
-Praise! I've made several friends and they've definitely eased the homesickness
-Praise! My health is good and my body has adjusted to all the change
-I've been reading Exodus and I want to have a closeness with God that resembles the relationship between Moses and God, he trusted God and always want to be in Hod's presence
-Open Arms is trying to get Christmas present sponsors, I pray that they are fulfilled!
-I've made a friend who's 4 years old and her dad just died a few months ago. Her name is Jenny and we've formed a bond, she trusts me and we love to play together, I pray that her <3 is fully healed by God's love and comfort